PSC-CCNY Environmental Justice Working Group Virtual Program!
CUNY’s Sustainable Future 
Friday February 3, 2022 @ 12:30 PM

Join us for a panel discussion and breakout sessions with Tria Case, University Executive Director of Sustainability and Energy Conservation,  Yael Wyner, Environment Track of Science Learning & Pub. Eng. Major, and Jerilys Perez, New Ideas for Sustainability Improvements and Messaging. 


Register for this meeting (same day registrations welcome!)


The PSC-CCNY Environmental Justice Working Group aims to bring CCNY students, faculty, and staff to engage with Union and CUNY leadership to envision and advance environmental justice initiatives on our campus and in our Harlem community.

Students, Faculty, and Staff are all invited to this virtual meeting to advance a climate justice agenda at City College.

We are in the middle of a climate crisis that must be addressed on every level–global, federal, state, city, and at our university.

We must act now to do everything we can to minimize climate catastrophes, promote sustainability and protect our people. The past year’s round of wildfires, hurricanes, floods, record high temperatures, droughts, and climate migrations provide a clarion call for all of us to ACT NOW.

How can City College be part of the climate justice movement?

  •  Promoting resilience, including infrastructure, renewable energy, clean water, waste management, healthy food production  and service, heating & cooling
  •  Working collaboratively with neighbors in our broader communities
  •  Creating a “green school” and modeling environmental and social transformation
  •  Developing educational and training programs to spread information about the climate crisis, climate justice, and to prepare us for climate jobs and a future of climate change

We look forward to seeing you there!