CCNY Open Educational Resources

Every year, about fifty instructors at CCNY develop or find high quality no cost instructional material. These materials are gathered under the umbrella term Open Educational Resources (OER) and are classified in the course search page as Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) courses. It is increasingly common for students to be able to complete a Z degree, which means that every required course in their major subject has at least one section with a ZTC designation. CCNY offers an online hybrid training course (80% asynchronous, 20% synchronous) which walks you through the issues of copyright protection, fair use, and other available resources. Instructors who complete the all modules of the training in synch with the course schedule, convert their courses to OER/ZTC, and submit at least one teaching artifact to Academic Works will receive a $1,000 payment. If you’re interested in the hybrid training course or have any questions, please send an email to the Teaching and Learning Center at

Take a look at some examples of course content that other instructors have submitted. 

CUNY Open Press

In collaboration with CCNY and other colleges, CUNY publishes one or two open educational textbooks by CCNY faculty every year. These texts are free of charge to everyone.